Friday, July 9, 2010

4th of July and Dance Recital

This 4th of July we didn't get to have our big cookout and swimming, etc since Macie wasn't quite ready for all that activity after her surgery. So we went with the Monroe's to Fish Camp and then over to David's aunt's to pop a few fireworks. The girls had alot of fun with sparklers.

Macie had her dance recital with Studio A at the end of May and she did AWESOME. She rocked it on stage in her adorable costumes. We were so proud of her. We didn't think she was going to take next year since she is doing competetive cheer, but after the awesome performace she gave her sister said she is NOT quiting. We are going to try and fit it in!! The first 2 pictures are from her hip hop dance and the last 2 are her jazz dance.

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